Why hire a Part 107 Certified Pilot?

  • Part 107 Compliance

    Any drone pilot who flies commercially is tested/trained every 24 months to remain certified and required to abide by federal airspace regulations. Not abiding by FAA regulations can lead to unwanted and expensive fines, so be sure to use someone who knows and understands FAA law.

  • Waivers to fly in certain airspaces

    Not all airspaces are legally accessible without applying for waivers through the FAA. Part 107 Drone Pilots are aware of this process and able to apply for waivers to be cleared to fly in certain controlled airspaces as needed. Some waiver approvals are quick, and some are needed weeks or months in advance.

  • FAA Changes

    Part 107 Certified pilots are responsible for staying up-to-date on FAA regulation changes such as Remote ID, drone registration, etc… making it easier for you, the client, to breathe easy knowing your drone pilot can complete the job while functioning according to FAA regulations. This keeps everyone out of trouble.